
South Africa’s Failing Education System

Since the Soweto uprising there has been a lot of changes over the years in our countries education curriculum , but these changes have been only about the standard of teaching and has since done little to advance the infrastructure as well , a lot of rural school have to rely on school fees paid by parents and that is also not enough, we need better infrastructure before we have better education and we need to make sure that all our school are in a position to fully cater to each and every child’s needs that being said each child should feel safe and be able to improve not only their mental capacity but also the physical and emotional well-being . We need to ensure that each school can cater for each child in every village.

What I am proposing is this:


Each child has a right to education, which means every child should be going to school for free. This can be possible through government and private funding. There would be many private companies in South Africa if every one of them were to sponsor even just one school and provide adequate teaching, learning, health, labs, and sports facilities and purchase good buses to pick up every child from their respective designated pick-up zone that is located based on a minimal and safe distance from their own homes or a place they know and feel safe walking to, then we could also be providing employment to a lot of people who will work as drivers, they don't even need a qualification but a matric certificate need to be there at the very least.


Each high school needs to have some kind of agreement with higher institutions for applying their grade 12 to further their studies, most scholars do not know what to study or how to use or apply late so if each and every school where to be visited by an official from the universities in the country and they ask learners to bring every info that is required to apply and have them fill out what they what to study and educate them on what each course offers and also help them with accommodation and knowing the area before and ensuring that they have all the information that they need, the universities don't necessarily have to hire people they can get some alumni and some support staff to travel to other provinces and conduct these kinds of visits they should start after the June exam holidays theta way the learners know what they need to aim for in order to be admitted to their course and also help them apply to colleges as well because they can also be a great place if you get rejected by the university.

Skills Development

Life skills need to be both the responsibility of the school and the parents as well. We learn first at home, and what we know at home will shape how we view the world, and it contributes a lot to our upbringing. A home is not only where you're family is or where you sleep, but a home is a place where you feel safe and is surrounded by people you love and support you, so a home can be a community, a village, a suburb, or even a town as long as you are surrounded by people that love and support you for who you are then you will always be home.

Lucky Mukhudwane

Welcome to my blog, my name is Lucky and i am an IT enthusiatic. I mostly write about IT related stuff and also Genaral Knowledge, and share writings of others that i think people need to know more about. how to live a healthy lifestyle, places to travel to, both artistic and software design, creativity, importance of education, etc